This morning I visited one of my neighbour who had just passed away last nite. He wasn't too old to dye actually. He was about 50-55 as I can see his face is still quite young. He died because of suffering a complicated diseases on cardio and lunge.
I saw so many people in deeply sad and crying. Some of them pray and the other recite the Qoran. I took a while to take a look at his face and touched it. It was so cold. He was so peaceful. Another while, I took the Qoran and start to recite sura Yaasiin. All sudden I was trembling all over my body.
God, I didnt know what was I felt, but all sudden I thought about myself. What have I done so far. All the good things and bad things that I have done. About how far I was from God as I abandoned Him quite often, lately. I didn't do my pray so well.
I cried without the tears!
The sound of my voice reciting sura Yaasiin drowning me in a sea of regretness even more. I remembered my last conversation with some one. She remind me about how far I was going out of track. Remind me about what am I supposed to be .. being a good man, being a leader to my beloved wife and kids.
I knew she was right. Deeply in my heart I have to admit that I slightly changed from a good person became a monster. I've done so many things bad. I made the sins with my open eyes and mind. I keep doing that and worst sometimes with pride.
God forgive me...
I left that mourned house with question running in my head.
When is my time gonna come to an end?
Will I be ready when it is come?
So much time been wasted, less time to catch up..
God give me a guidance...
(my old journal)
speechless...tapi, bukankah itu tujuan mengunjungi orang sakit dan yang telah tiada...lam kenal dari saya :)
yup, betul..
saya pernah dengar bahwa:
Kematian (dan batu nisan) adalah nasihat bisu yang paling baik buat kita yang hidup, bhw itulah tujuan akhir manusia yang paling hakiki.. menghadap Sang Pencipta.
Dan pesan itu selalu saja meninggalkan satu pertanyaan bagi kita.. Sudah siapkah kita?
ups, lupa.. kurang aja sekali gw..
btw, salam kenal juga meyrinda
ramz,..PR g lom lo kerjain
yang 4 of 4 itu loh...
siji dua tilu opat hehehe
btw, when that time is come, no turning back man, be prepared or be squared !
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