Hhhhh... I dont like this kind of situation. It's damned to empty. It's so quite. It's not about the solitude that I don't like much, but the feeling of being lonely. The fact that I'm alone. Sesaat tadi mungkin aku masih merasa nyaman dalam kesendirian karena masih disibukkan dengan sesuatu yang harus aku kebut hingga pulang larut malam seperti ini. Jeezee, it's 11.21 pm already. And I am still stuck over here.
I guess I better take my lap top back to online again. Cant stand with this too silent situation, without doing any thing. But, like I said before, I do love this silent. Hardly no audible sounds except drizzling on that window. I play no music, cost I dont like it much. I dunno why, playing mp3 some times make me even got headache. I preferred working in the silent.

Hmmm, the rain. All sudden, it brought me to the memory of a face. The one that I use to call 'dew' abbreviation from morningdew. hmm, I just remember that she is the one who introduce me with the 'blog' and how to blogging.. I remember that she loves the rain. Especially, staring at the window when the drizzles splashing like the one that I'm staring at right now. I smile. No wonder she likes it. It makes me feel so peaceful.
Hmm... Its getting cold down here. Looks like I have to shut down the aircon. It's too freezing.
dew, I wonder where she is?
I remember again, the day when I called her up at the very first time. Uhm, actually her thoughts was the one that made me like her at the very beginning. Her thoughts, her poetries, her blogs.. the way she play with words. It is so lovely! Then she drove me crazy. I heard her voice for the first time that nite. God, I dunno why but it sounds like I heard D voice.
D... why the hell is always D???
Now everytime the rain down I think about those face. Hmmm, so many face spinning around in my head. I smile again. Its funny. Every one has her own song. Wakakakaka..
well, let me see...
mysty from johny mathis... it relates to dew
Love is all around from wet, wet, wet.. it relates to the one I used to call AJ.
still remember of u also, AJ :)
together forever from rico j puno... hehehehe, its about D again.. damned!!!
you're my everything... know this song??? nananananana..nanana... hehehe, this is for my wife :)
you... basile valdez. hehehehe, i know 'little dith' is crazy about this song. i wonder where is edith now.. i love her voice!
another song.. this one used to be mean nothing.. but when I met phoe, all sudden I always remember this song.. halaaaaah, gw lupa judulnya. cuma hapal liriknya thok...
rambutmu yang hitam panjang, jatuh di bahu
kadang luruh di ujung dagu, bila engkau tertunduk
jemari tanganmu lentik, lembut memainkan gitar
nampaknya rembulan pun terkesima...
hmmmm, what else... yeaaa, listen to the rythm of the fallin' rain. its definitely si Ooy, the one from my junior high school babe... If only I had a courage to take her ran away buat... 'kawin lari'!!! wakakakak... dasar cinta monyet!
Its getting so late....
and now its getting quite spooky here.
I guess I better be get goin'...
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