Jan 26, 2005

I Knew I Love You Before I Met You...

Today is a great day..

The sun was shining bright n dry the land that had been rained for the last two days. I woke up early and start my day doing everything as usual. I washed up, praying and do some tummy exercise. Uh, I'm getting fat so fast... I hate that :)))

I turned on my CD player and get Savage Garden cd play on. It was 'I knew I love you' running play.. Music is good, but the lyric is even better.

God, I love this song.. It always bring me to  a very special moment.. It reminds me of some one I feel so close at heart. She is so special. I can't forget her no matter how hard I try to do that.

I'd finished prepare my self and manage to go to work. Minute later I was on my way to the office. The sky was cloudy but still sunny. No rain. Forty five minute later I got my office and start to work.

It was almost an hour I left the house but yet 'I knew I love you' still playing around in my head. I sing that song mutterly and thinking about you.

You fill up my mind.


Diary Of Blue Ocean and Blue Sky said...

I love you too :)

* GR Mode on *

Ramz said...

indeed you r not in the GR mode on