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Pesawatku,,, |
Have you ever think about it? Have you ever wonder that we become some one that is not we are now? I'm not saying that we are regretfull for the way we are in present, but, perhaps there is your dream that would never come true cos you're already left the point of no return.
For instance, you actually wanna be a doctor but it could not be possible 'cos you are no longer young and way too far studying on economy. Or, you actually wanna be an army but it could never be real 'cos you've experienced an injury that force u back.
It all the sudden flashing in my mind.. if I were be a pilot, an aircraft fighter pilot. I was dreaming about being an aircraft fighter pilot since I was a kid. I remember that I used to draw on the floor.. a picture of a hug aeroplane, with a chalk. I drew many aeroplane in my drawing book. This is how my plane looks like :D:D
Yeah, i just remember the way it looks like.. Always seemed like this! When I was a teen age, I remember I still draw an aircraft, mosthly a fighter aircraft.. I was so crazy about being a pilot that I almost knew everything about fighter aircraft.. About what is F4 Phantom/Phantom II, F14 Tomcat, F15 Eagle, F16 Fighting Falcon, F104 Star Fighter and many others.. about what is maximum speed, mach, altitude, after burner, ta-li-ho, bogey.. and bandit.
I read many book about fighter aircraft.. like Jane's Defense & Military World Aircraft, comic Tanguy & Laverdure (hmm, I wonder where does this comic could be found.. Couldn't find it in Gramedia anymore)..
And the worst is, I collected many aircraft kits.. by stealing them!
Hahaha, yes I was.. I was an aircraft kit cleptomania. Could stand not to steal it. Until I get caught some day. I got punished for that.. hehehe..
Too bad that I had no body that could understand what I want. Some body that could guide me to walk on the right track.. I've suppose to go to curug, the Indonesian flying school, once I graduated my junior high. But I hadn't got the chance to go there.. I was so all alone with only a single parent, my mom, that could not do anything but ask me to go to high school.
Well, here I am.. mostly doing an accounting thing, a thing that I hate at most in the beginning. But I've been drawning myself with thousand of paper of worksheet way to deep.
It doesnt mean that I am not happy with the way I am now, but some times, everytime I see the sky and hear the roaring of jet engine, it turns me back to my childhood dreams... being a pilot.. a fighter aircraft pilot!!!
kalo aku dulu...
waktu TK pengin bisa bikin pesawat
waktu SD pengin jadi dokter
waktu SMP-SMA pengin jadi arsitek
eh, skarang malah nulis di koran...
but, aku cukup bangga jadi seorang aziz
*narcis mode on
berandai-andai 'kan doesnt mean that we are regret about the way we are now :)
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