Today's on It's Me...
Dear Blogger...
Last night I suddenly miss my father. I miss him so bad. This happened since yesterday morning when i went to bandung with my younger brother. We are planning to open one simple-small kafee. We did survey for the place. Then we were discussing about what the name of the kafee is gonna be. My bro said that he wants to use 'Kafe Bros' or 'Kafe Brothers'.. I was agree at the first time. But then I realize that since Bandung is the city where my father was born, I really want to use this moment to memorize him. I was thinking about using his name for our kafee.
I think about using the name of 'Kedai Kang Komar', 'Kedai AA' or 'Kedai Baraya' instead of english language.
Its not about naming what make me feel this way. Its all about longing for my father that fullfill my thought since last nite. God, I miss him so bad. I just realize that I lost him for a very long time.
Thirty years!
Yeah, thirty years I live without my dad besides me. I just realize that I have not enough memory about him as I only know him for a very short period. All the memories about him is only when I was in 4-5 age. Not really much! Its just like an uncomplete puzzle. I could hardly remembering of his face. Thing that I could ever seen in my mind is only when people burry him in the backyard of my grandpa's home in Lembang. There he was burried. There is the place I always visit everytime I miss him.
Last night I cryed.
Now I am crying again.
Jeezee... It makes me feel like I am a child again everytime I remember u, dad.. I love you, no matter how. Eventhough I could only see your face in a blurted picture, but I know that your face is exist in my face. Your body is my body. I have even the same tall like you. Your nose is now became mine. Your eyes, your mouth, your hair even your ear.. they are now still exist in me, in all over my body. Your blood is in my blood. Haaa, that's why I feel now that you're so close to me. That's why I miss U, dad.
Hey, Dad.. Do you know that Raka, Romy and Meymey have part of yours in theirs? Raka's eyes and nose are like yours. Romi's chin is yours. Meymey's eyes is yours. And funny thing is they even have the same ear like yours, like mine. Hahahaha...
I feel better now.
I hope no matter how bussy you are in your place now, you can still thinking of me. I'll promise to protect all sister n brother and mom as well, day. She is fine. She is amazing mom and wife, Dad. She never think abt other man beside u. I can tell u no matter how hard she had to took care of us, she did it all alone by her self. And she did it very well to raise us. Now we grew up well. I love her so much. I called her just now dad and she is doing fine. Just about to sholat. I believe she always pray for you.
You take care, okay? I'll pray for you too so you could rest in peace. No hard and painfull day.
Allright. Catch you later.. I miss you so much, Dady.
Your forever kidos...
ramzzzz....g jd inget bapa g nih...huhuhu soo touchy
btw ponakan baru lo dah lahir tuh..
Hai Bunda
Hehehehe, selamat ya.. jadi sekarang namanya udah Bunda RaRa.. Raihan and sapa tuh yang baru lahir?
idem ma bunda rara...
tiba² ingat Bapak .. dah jarang bersihin makam :((
hi friend this is jatin
i also think that dad is very essential part of life without it u can do any thing you dont know weather it is rigth or wrong when you see back no one is their. all the sudden dark i cant express these feelings but thanks for expressing yourself
U r a good guy....
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