Nov 19, 2005

A Short Note to No Body (4)

To whom I used to call... blue sky

Eventually, I have to end up in the land of emptyness, fall into a loneliness where the only thing I have is an oasis in which I can lay down myself and feel the peacefull mind.

Nothing to feel sorry about, though I walked away from your room and miss all your beautiful sparkling and glistering eyes. If so, it is gonna be that I feel sorry for hurting you, if you feel so. 

I did it bcos I can't make my word as simple as the way it should be so you don't feel hurt. I just didn't know how to say it in different way.. that our journey has come to the end. The end of our togetherness.


As a matter of fact, our 'togetherness' is one thing that bothering me as it is actually never happened in reality. It does exist only in our tricky mind. We both know that we could never be together. Ever. 

So, here I am, dancing in the loneliness with your shadow. You know it for sure, that everytime I loose you, then everything is gone. Everything is dissappear, leaving me down here.. Only me and my trembling soul. Yet, I'm gonna face it all. B'cos it is worth with my desire, to get to know the meaning of faithfullness.

So be it. I'm gonna walk away from our horizon and stare on your blue sky day and night. For our goodsake, for the rest of our life.

(Nov 2005)

1 comment:

Diary Of Blue Ocean and Blue Sky said...

you left me because i cant give you the real togetherness ?????
only exist in our tricky mind ??
after 6 years you said this??
Thank you Lief..

I wont say anythin
cos I know you much better than your self ..
